Mountain Archers

Home of Mountain Archers, Mount Victoria, Blue Mountains NSW Australia


July 2024

Now that we’re halfway into 2024, we look to the future with confidence as the Club continues to consolidate its numbers and activities both social and in terms of our archery. As always, acknowledging our social responsibility to our Blue Mountains Community, we will expand our introductory sessions to concentrate on our families and especially our youth. We will be conducting extra activities for young people to give them an opportunity to experience target and 3D archery with an increase in our available targets and beginner’s equipment thanks to a grant from the NSW Department of Sport and Recreation and a Community Grant supported by our local state MP, Trish Doyle

Our regular shooting sessions will also benefit from this increase in grant equipment by allowing us to conduct limited sessions (Beginners, Come and Try, Sponsors Groups) at the same time as our regular member shooting times. We have already had a session for those interested staff from Blue Mountains City Council. It was a great success and apart from providing and experience of archery it also gave a practical opportunity to council team members to be familiar with Mountain Archers people and our Club activities. We have one coming up for the team at Woolworths to thank them for their ongoing support.

We also hope to provide additional external secure storage over the next few months that will free up some of the internal amenities at Browntown and extend practical support and opportunities to our members during weekday practice sessions without having to open the main Council Amenities at Browntown. It will also provide opportunities for other sporting groups in our community to have access to the Oval.

All in all, opportunity continues to knock for Mountain Archers in 2024  

© 2024 Mountain Archers

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